My artistic development was paved and fueled by the simple passion for creating. The artistic expression in my nascent years found its place not only on the walls of my room, but also on the neighbor's fences. This early passion for art led me to enter the Youth Art Academy in my home town Rivne, Ukraine, and later propelled me to move across the Atlantic Ocean to study fine arts in Memphis College of Art. I graduated with Bachelor of Fine Art in painting in 2010. In June 2013 I received my Masters of Fine Art degree from the Laguna College of Art and Design.

I create paintings that are built on traditional values of representational figurative art, but which are also informed by contemporary art practice. For me, painting is a form of language – a bridge that facilitates the process of connecting with people across different cultures. Thus, I approach painting as a means of personal communication to express and share ideas.

Even though my paintings encompass a variety of topics and are eclectic stylistically, I enjoy representing a human figure the most. A human body is meant to tell a story and convey specific emotions. Even the tiniest movement of a muscle isn’t arbitrary. Every detail, every movement adds to the drama of the overall painting. Moreover, there are certain formal elements of painting that attract me to employ a figure as my subject. I enjoy analyzing the structure of human anatomy, and especially the way the light interacts with skin, creating layers of translucent complimentary colors... Playing with pigments on the canvas to translate these nuances is like eating delicious dessert.
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