Alexandra N Sherman’s art explores the landscape of the mind through watercolors painted from her subconscious, installations with found or created objects, and collage using vintage and antique ephemera. She seeks to give the viewer an intimate experience through works that explore the uncertainty and mystery inherent in life, ourselves, the environment and the need for conservation. Her work depicts the spaces in-between, the seen and unseen through ambiguous narrative that invites the viewer to complete the story.

Alexandra grew up and worked in the antiques business which inspired her love of art and the decorative arts. She has an MFA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in painting and trained in ateliers L’Eclat De Verre and Gold Leaf Studios where she studied framing, and the art of cartonnage. Her curatorial experience includes assistant curator for Mobil Corps’ modern art collection, and the curator of The Dadian Gallery. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally.
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