Michael Ireland has participated in the creative process for over thirty-five years beginning with his studies at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Under the direction of master instructor Irving Shapiro, he began to explore the effects of light and color through transparent watercolor. He soon developed a passion for the medium that continued throughout his life and career. Today Michael is a nationally recognized painter as well as an accomplished creative director and graphic designer.
Michael’ s painting style and technique challenges the scale and format associated with traditional transparent watercolor resulting in some of his recent works measuring up to over twenty feet in length. This process and approach has led to his artwork being placed in healthcare, corporate and residential collections throughout the country.
Recently, major works have been completed and installed in Massachusetts General Hospital, MA/ The Van Andel Research Institute, MI / University of Texas/San Antonio, TX / St. Joseph Hospital, KY/ The Johnson Family Center for Care, MI / National Intrepid Center of Excellence, MD / Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, IL / Northwestern Memorial Hospital, IL / Lakeview Medical Center, WI / Fountaindale Public Library, IL / Health Partners/Como Clinic, MN / Southeast Cancer Center, MO.
He was also the founder and creative leader of an award winning design firm specializing in film/video, graphic design and multi-media. His clients included Gatorade, Accenture, Baxter Healthcare, KPMG, Quaker Oats and Zenith to name a few. Leaving the world of commercial art in 2001, he made the commitment to turn his lifelong passion into his lifelong career. Michael is now focused solely on his career as a fine artist.

Michael’ s home and studio is in Cary, Illinois where he resides with his wife and four children.
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