Bill Santelli’s work has been widely exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the United States, including ArtPrize, International Art Event, Grand Rapids, MI; Vivo!, Washington, DC.; the Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ; the Museum of Fine Arts, FSU, in Tallahassee, FL; Austin Art Connections in Austin, TX; Westwood Center for the Arts, Los Angeles, California; DOSHI Gallery of the Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Salmagundi Club Galleries and the Organization of Independent Artists, New York City; Rochester Museum and Science Center, Strasenburgh Planetarium and Oxford Gallery, Rochester, New York; Jordan Road Gallery, Sedona, Arizona; and Anthony Kelley Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana.

In addition, his work is in numerous collections, including those of MedImmune, Inc., Gaithersburg, Maryland; The Information Technology Association of America, Arlington, Virginia; Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP, New York City; Hale and Dorr, Boston; Maxtor Corporation, Longmont, Colorado; the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Tropel Inc., and The Sentry Group, Rochester, New York; Advest Inc. and Tecton, PC, Architects, Hartford, Connecticut; McClinton Develoment, Montgomery, Alabama; and Forest City Enterprises, Cleveland, Ohio.

Bill Santelli is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the Distinguished Alumni Award (2004), Finger Lakes Community College, Canandaigua, New York; and two residency fellowships to the Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont.

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