Diego Cappella was born in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1971. Being aware that life groups people according to their talents and common interests so that they can develop and grow, He can affirm that his interest began at the age of 5 years old, when his parents, who were linked to the artistic atmosphere gave him a first approach with a Kodak Instamatic X-35.

With the art in his DNA, his first days took place between television productions and theatre, at a time when the differences between them were very few.

From there he would began to enrich his language, studying in addition, everything that he would consider useful for the purpose of communicating and to communicate: graphic design, art direction, ceremonial and protocol, social communication and of course, photography.

His formal career began as a designer in the publishing industry, which soon led him to produce his own magazine in the City of Miami. “DVOX Magazine”. His interest in searching for new challenges led him to the advertisement world, where he worked for multinationals such as Honda, Coca-Cola, and American Express and where he received multiple awards and recognitions for his works.

He always took photos, always adding to his passion. Far from being a Professional change, advertising gave him the experience and stability needed to bring the photography back to the forefront of his life. In 2010, He created his own commercial studio in Miami, Cappella Photography, and from there the platform to transmit his artistic potential.

Married with children, the question made by one of them that triggered the change was: Who was Diego Cappella? A Photographer, no doubt
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