Doug Johnson is a writer, musician, visual artist, and the founder of Cave Moon Press. Born in Colorado, he has lived in Yakima for 26 years. His father picked fruit, as a child and then used the G.I. bill to work as a teacher before taking a federal job in Denver. He used that job to advocate for social justice with projects such as installing all the HEAD Start programs for Colorado. Those memories instilled in Johnson an appreciation for migrant laborers, education, and social justice. Johnson studied art for two years at the University of Denver, before completing a PhD in educational psychology from Capella University. A passionate believer in lifelong learning, Johnson challenges himself constantly, exploring unfamiliar disciplines, expanding his skill set, always eager to learn from master artists. He spent endless hours studying the works of Beethoven before composing "Obama’s Prelude", a short work for full orchestra. His book, "Black Mountain Whispers: A Tribute to Raymond Carver", was the outcome a diligent study of Raymond Carver’s short stories and poetry. As a high school teacher, Johnson started Cave Moon Press in 2006, to give a published voice to student writing. It has expanded to focus on works of social entrepreneurship, bringing awareness to different causes such as hunger, domestic violence, and homelessness. His current mentor, Alfredo Arreguín, is a celebrated, international artist and guides Johnson’s current efforts in style and theme. Their current collaborative show travels to Morelia Mexico in the fall of 2017.
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