Christie Marks, Biography

I became serious about becoming an artist when I moved from Los Angeles to Fresno, California in 1994. My 11 years in Fresno changed my art, my life, and my notion of what is beautiful. Fresno, which many regard as just a dusty central valley town, brought out a deep appreciation in me for what makes the ordinary extraordinary. What I had hardly noticed before took on a renewed importance: the textures of a weathered fence, the colors along an unpaved road, the plight of an old car sinking into the earth, a dilapidated storefront or the movement of crisp sheets on a country clothesline. About the same time I began to do some international traveling and realized that I was drawn to the same sense of age, utility, and history that I was at home. These emotions began to appear in my artwork and although it was sometimes difficult to describe, it was a sense of history, purpose, and evidence of the human touch that was inspiring me.

In my artwork today, which is primarily mixed media, I continue to depict everyday subjects that convey a sense of mystery and history, or what I call 'cultural story'. Often these subjects are utilitarian in nature such as a crumpled paper bag, an old pair of shoes, or a ramshackle trailer. Other subjects are based on my admiration for architecture, particularly that of Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East. My style remains the same regardless of whether the subject is from my own backyard or from a favorite travel destination.

Thank you for your interest in my work.

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