Colleen McCubbin Stepanic is an artist who was born in Newport News, Virginia and grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, Cleveland and Washington DC. Her transient childhood instilled a lifelong love of travel and exploration which heavily influences her artistic practice. She earned a BFA from the University of Dayton and an MFA from the Tyler School of Art. McCubbin Stepanic has been the recipient of many grants and awards and has successfully completed numerous artist residencies including the Joan Mitchell Center, the Millay Colony, and the Vermont Studio Center all of which were completed in 2016. She was also a Ballinglen Fellowship Artist in 2017. McCubbin Stepanic’s work has been featured in exhibitions in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Buffalo. She has been included in exhibitions at The LaGrange Art Museum (Georgia), The Susquehanna Museum of Art (Pennsylvania), The Woodmere Art Museum(Pennsylvania), and the Toledo Museum of Art (Ohio). Her work has been shown repeatedly in many states including, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, Arizona, Tennessee, Ohio, Washington D.C. and New York. She has had 13 solo exhibitions of her work since 2003 and has participated in art projects in Budapest, Hungary and Batoufam, Cameroon.
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