I graduated from New Trier High School in 1992 at 17 with honors in Advanced Placement art, & then went on to study at SAIC under Professor Stephanie Bird in painting.

After being inducted into DePaul Museums Permanent Collections in 2008 I started to teach remote Masterclasses to masterclass students who have gone on to independent art careers & development.

My life long passion & focus is provable & observable game theory & its relationship to law & empirical reality & consensus & consensus building based on observations & facts.

Law including natural law as independent physical force, depends on art in order to accept all we find out so that we can move to solve problems & their rate of inaccuracy, instead of perpetuate them & this requires shared observation & creative cooperation among groups & an evolutionary theory of cognitive models: aka art.

Dean Snow proved that women invented painting 60,000 years ago, does this mean that the first neuro-scientists were pro-social males?

What I call: Surveillance Generated Search Engines pre-dates the now obsolete Surveillance Capitalism.
Surveillance Capitalism has served as an enabler of elite crime from foreign actors: deep fakes, deep fake voice mimicking, child trafficking & child porn, fentanyl imports from China, darknet assassinations via the emergence of Gamergate,internet cyber-crime & more.
The Informant Economy, which also pre-dates surveillance capitalism seeks to address & combats the soon to be obsolete bitcoin, which is mined in the USSR & China.
The Informant Economy intends to create a new economy that ends dark money cryptocurrency from funding insurrectionist crimes in the United States Of America caused by lack of accountability for cyber-crimes perpetrated by foreign actors, inside threats & by the lack of regulation placed on Surveillance Capitalism.

In 2023, with climate urgency in the midst of a current mass sixth extinction, we are all forced into the biometric centered post-capitalist globalization model.

We are also experiencing internet & cyber & AI reforms that come with the emergence & advent of biometric warfare, Wuhan Lab created & leaked Covid-19, imposterism, Alex Jones domestic terrorism scale conspiracy creation, deep faking, & more, so art as a field & artists as a working class is also under reforms.

Art literacy suffered greatly with the rise of capitalism & the commercialization of art & now literacy is flowering anew with the rise of post-capitalist science, fiat & biometric & psychological warfare, & conspiracy & meme creation & spreading in attempts to overthrow individuals, organizations & governments with nebulous or NPC" or "grifter" imposters with USSR & CCP sympathies & ties put in place of established individuals & organizations, that few individuals were paying attention to to begin with.

Information & creativity have become both our vulnerabilities & strengths designating each actor with the free will to braodcase & self-surveil & author the physics of their reality, as opposed to & in opposition to the idealized spectacle of the capitalist & commercial past & lack of identity so easily infiltrated by hostile outside forces.

The arts have become about the individual & the unit equalizing creativity needed to accept measurable & observable reality as formal & as proof & as fact, as consensus & a consensus to adapt as pro-information as opposed to disinformation.
Art literacy is difficult for all of us for many reasons. What I call: The Physics Of Perception plays the dominant role in our free will & personal cognitive model one that is intimately bound up in classifications of law & the collective prevention of disease & death.

We are all born with diseases & defects & many of our diseases deal specifically with the present & have specific scientific classifications & a statistical identity that deals with our personal physical & mental relationship with our communities & nature, including how we relate to others as individuals & how our perceptions effect others even if we cannot prove that we: 1) Understand them, 2) Know who they are & can prove that we do. 3) That we have met individuals in person: as another entity or individual & in a legal & formal communications format.

All communications is biometric & formal at an organic level & requires proof & witness, also including: virtual witness & validated witness, because, in the quantum world nothing is real unless you are looking at it (directly, is my guess).
I also study intimately scale-able biometric systems: aka oxygen metrics as Cardiovascular Strategy, & 'privacy' via 'a strong presence on the internet', as opposed to an encrypted one, because encryption has never existed, & I have been maintaining this logical position my entire internet life. Biometric
Biometric markers are more easily collectively nuanced as surveillance generated search engines where we are proof of our own scale of literacy in any given moment making our data accessible to legal & medical formats for assessing causality outside of time or working AI.

Systems theory has always been a nuanced & provable science because it studies surveillance as shared boundary states of observers looking at where the present is & where the observer is located as opposed to where we would like to delusionally imagine objects are placed. Ideally you do not want to be fooled into artificial recognition of anything you assume you are familiar with when perhaps you were not familiar enough with it to begin with, statistics studies this parallel world of what Patrick Skinner calls our "mistakes" & why we need to not make them (requiring creativity to accept our mistakes) in order to know that is actually happening & so that we can prove that we know what is happening.

Collective game theory as adaptation is a current theme via my ongoing series in several parts: How Not To Play Rigged Games I., II. & III. (2023), & IV, inspired by: our unique system of shared justice which exists here as our democracy in The United States Of America.
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