My art reflects my interest in three major subject areas; cityscape, landscape, and endangered wildlife. When I look back upon my varied imagery, I do see a consistent thread. Geometry, light and shadow, simplified form, paint itself, and the interplay between bold composition and the ephemera of weather and atmosphere have and continue to intrigue me . I am moved by the world that I see, yet abstract concerns enrich my images. I have had 10 solo exhibitions, predominantly in the New York Area. These include The Prince Street Gallery,The Interchurch Center,The Noho Gallery. My work has been included in exhibits at The Katonah Gallery, The Flinn Gallery,The Minnesota Museum, Kennedy Gallery NYC, SVA Gallery, the Triplex Gallery, The Mesa Art Center, The Hammond Museum, Pfizer Corporation etc. among other venues. I was an art educator in NYC for 34 years, opening young people's eyes and minds to the visual world and visual language
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