Felicia Reed is an Award Winning Fiber Artist, certified Life Purpose, Spiritual and Christian Coach, Advocate, Speaker, Quality Management Professional and a TV Host of “Females Without Fear to Face Art”. Ms. Reed sits on organization boards and in mastermind teams that are supporting others in their lives. She works with groups and individuals to promote positive and constructive life changes and healing modalities primarily using art and nature. Her fiber art artistic ability was literally an answer to a prayer. Ms. Reed is a survivor of several life-altering traumatic experiences where she firmly believes that natural modalities and art saved her life. Her award-winning wet felted Healing Wraps are featured in galleries, various types of engagements, art forums and wellness settings as tools that spark dialog and promote change to overcome life transitions and trauma. Felicia L. Reed inspires others, especially females, to own life events, face them, and ultimately heal them to a manageable degree. Ms. Reed is working on an upcoming book and touring as a fiber artist. She can be reached at 301-728-0027, on IG at @fiberartwithfelicia and by email at fiberartwithfelicia@gmail.com
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