My work is inspired by the geometry of the world around me. It is abstract, but often suggests architecture, influenced by my having grown up in New York City and by my travels. I love color, visual texture, and spatial ambiguity, and strive to convey a sense of balance and serenity.

I dye and print white fabric using a wide range of surface design processes, such as low-water immersion dyeing, screen printing, and various resist techniques. I start each quilt by selecting a palette of colors and fabrics and proceed intuitively and interactively, adding or removing fabrics and shapes until I’ve achieved a pleasing composition. I stitch these fabrics together, further modifying the design as I proceed. I add batting and machine quilt my work using a wide range of thread colors to add texture, reinforce the composition, and provide an additional layer of interest. I hope viewers can enjoy the work as a whole from a distance and discover new delights when they come closer.

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