I am extremely inspired by the natural world around me and I love fabricating elaborate sculptures out of interesting organic materials. When I discover a new specimen to work with, I marvel at the intricate beauty and perfection of its design, and my mind starts envisioning the variety of complex structures that can be created using this new material.

To fabricate my "Continuance" art installation, I collected over 600 discarded sea snail casings along the mid-Atlantic coasts, gold leafed each one and then suspended them in long, cascading strands from a large branch that I painted white to mimic sea coral. My sculpture is so named because it honors the "Continuance" of life represented by these perfect forms. The mother sea snail buries one end of the egg case in the sea bed to act as an anchor; the new snails then emerge from the casings; new life is created within and despite the rough sea current. The beautiful design of these egg casings represent the balance between delicate beauty and fierce endurance that embodies the continuation of species, something that is inherent to us all.

I want to share with the world my passion for nature and its fascinating intricacies, and to cause observers to look at elements of the natural world in new and inspiring ways.
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