Born in Iran in a Jewish family, I immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1989 with my husband and my son. We escaped the compulsory restrictions imposed on Jews and on all women in Iran.
In 1999, after my family and I got more settled, I attended the School of Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. While participating in that program, I re-discovered my gift of visual expression through paintings. It was at the SMFA that I learned the role of art in society and committed myself to be an Artist - one whose socially sensitive inner vision was seething to be freed.
The subjects of many of my paintings have been inspired by my own hidden inner voice of my life-long experience as a girl, a daughter a woman, a wife, and a mother, and a member of my community.
My mission as a female artist is to be the voice of awareness about and for women. My goal is to inspire women to gain a clear vision and courage to overcome old beliefs, limitations, gender inequality, and social prejudices and to foster rising up, being empowered and pursuing collective freedom and liberation.
Primary colors and paint brushes are the tools of my conceptual paintings. I use simple forms, vivid colors along with birds, trees, the female body, and nature as metaphors to tell the story of our life. I show my passion for the beauty of life and nature, promoting noble values like that of love, compassion, justice, and equality, regardless of gender, race, and social and economic status.
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