Sarah Beth Goncarova (b. 1980) trained as a pianist and worked as a puppet maker, costume and scenic designer for the theater before earning a Fine Arts degree in Sculpture and Art History, and a Master’s degree in Architecture. Her paintings, sculpture and installation work are featured frequently in exhibitions, and her work is much sought after by public and private collectors across the US and abroad. She has collaborated on the design and illustration for several books, and has had a monograph of her artwork published in 2010, called "A Yearlong Summer."
Together with her husband Yary Hluchan, Sarah Beth runs an innovative publishing house called Clay Grouse Press that has gained recognition and praise for their recent novel "Sonia’s Song."
While she works in the studio, Sarah Beth enjoys learning about history and studying languages. Outside the studio, she loves to dance, putter in the garden, and devour mystery novels.
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