I am an American artist based in New York City. I make paintings of skeletal, unfinished skyscrapers under construction around me in the Manhattan. I work in series that can span months or years, capturing building phases in accurate detail and rich color. My paintings document change and the in-between stages of buildings, capturing temporary shapes that New Yorkers live with as part of the cityscape for long periods of time.

My focus on construction as subject matter began in 2015 when a 42 floor building went up right outside my painting studio window in the Garment District. I was losing a view I loved, but decided to give this unwanted change my full attention. I made scores of drawings and paintings of the whole construction process from the foundation up. By the time it topped out I was hooked on the subject matter. I subsequently set out from the studio to find other projects to follow and I have been painting the constant change across Midtown ever since, from the rise of the Hudson Yards, to the new pencil towers of Billionaire’s Row on 57th Street, to the changing skyline from the Hudson and East Rivers.

I work from the same vantage point multiple times. It has been an incredible experience to follow these massive buildings as they rise from holes in the ground, surrounded and crowned by towering cranes. I feel a kinship to wilderness painters of earlier times - dwarfed by massive forms, striving to capture the light and weather as they change endlessly across a mountainous landscape. But these mountains are man-made and each time I come back the structures have changed!

I have exhibited my paintings, drawings and installations in the United States and the United Kingdom in museum, commercial gallery, public art, corporate and alternative spaces. I have had numerous solo exhibitions of my construction paintings in New York City since 2016. In 2018, my construction site artwork was featured on NY1 television news, in The Village Voice, in international media and is the subject of an award-winning short documentary, The Monolith. I hold degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, and Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, UK. The recipient of numerous awards and grants, including several Scottish Arts Council awards, a University of Colorado's President's Fund Grant, an Elizabeth Greenshields Memorial Award and a Thouron Fellowship, my artwork resides in private and public collections.
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