Heather Brammeier is a painter whose practice has expanded to include constructing paintings and drawings in space. Heather's recent projects include rooftop installations at the South Bend Museum of Art (South Bend, Indiana) and at Lillstreet Art Center (Chicago, Illinois). Heather has participated in a wide range of artist residencies, including Yaddo (NY), Spiro Arts (UT), The Hambidge Center (GA), The Banff Centre (Alberta, Canada), and Pontlevoy Creative Residencies (France). Heather has been curated into several exhibitions in New York City, including Re-Generation at the Painting Center, curated by Carrie Patterson; It's Gouache and Gouache Only at Jeff Bailey Gallery, curated by Geoffrey Young; and Living Room: Issues of Taste and the Politics of Decoration at Storefront 1838, curated by Nicholas Nyland. Heather believes strongly in building artist communities. She is President and member of Backspace Collective NFP, a group based in Peoria, IL. Heather is Associate Professor of Art at Bradley University, and she is represented by Moberg Gallery in Des Moines, Iowa.
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