Robert Henderson is the official sculptor for John Denver, Walter Cronkite, and Mario Andretti to name a few. The monumental bronze memorials can be studied at your USAF Academy, Pearl Harbor, and Balboa Park at San Diego to name a few more. After completing the Navy Seal memorial to Danny Dietz in Littleton, Co, Danny's mother said that I had brought her son back to life with this sculpture. I spent my early life in aviation as a pilot, air traffic controller and instructor. My mother was an artist and influenced my creativity somewhat. When she passed, the midlife crisis set into my life and the changes were large, culminating in my becoming an artist. Study was in several foundaries and with several master sculptors around the Loveland, Co. area ( the bronze capitol of North America). I believe that I do not choose my assignments, they come, and I do them. Seriously...
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