A native of Ohio now painting and exhibiting in Paris, including at the Grand Palais, James Purpura paints music (simply put, he paints what he hears). Beats, instruments, layering, vocals, and lyrics can evoke certain colors and brush strokes, and pieces of music want to express themselves in an infinite number of ever-changing visuals. The process by which he develops his works is called 'synesthesia,' which is defined as "a concomitant sensation; especially: a subjective sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated." Music includes classical, pop, transcendental, and some good remixes. His painting styles include Expressionist, Abstract, Landscapes, and often a combination of more than one of these styles. His work is largely known for its vibrant colors. Living part time in Paris also stokes this creative energy and imagination. He uses acrylics and mixed media such as sand and beach glass.
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