I have loved art ever since I was a little girl. I got a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art/Art Education. For many years my full time job as an ESL teacher and raising children kept me very busy. When my daughter was in college she asked me to paint something for her college dorm room. I did create two paintings for her, and just couldn’t stop.I have been painting ever since. Most of my paintings are created with acrylic paints on canvas. My paintings are widely admired and I have been in many art shows and exhibitions. Some have been sold internationally. The bright colors that are characteristic of my artwork reflect my spirit of joie de vivre and optimism. In addition to painting, I am currently a virtual educator for The Department of State’s English Language Program. I am so enjoying teaching students in the DRC. The cultural exchange has been phenomenal. Thanks to the Department of State the world truly is my classroom. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to share my art with people in places near and far. I am sure it would bring joy to viewers everywhere.
Thank you so much.
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