
I grew up in Paris France. My parents’ roots are in the island of Guadeloupe, French West Indies, India and Bretagne. As a child, I was surrounded by Art everywhere in my daily life. I always wanted to be a painter.
Life brought me to the United States where I started a career as a world language teacher. I majored in Education with a Master and took as many art classes I could to feed my passion for painting. The last course I took with Virginia Common Wealth University in 2009 was a post graduate class with professional artists. I was in heaven and thankful for this opportunity.
From this moment I started painting again and never stopped.

My work celebrates peace and joy.

Today, I’m still working as a full time World Language teacher and paint weekly. I have sold my paintings to private collectors worldwide.

2024 aVenues exhibition at the Ven Hotel on Embassy Row DC USA
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