Kelly Medford is a classically trained oil painter who specializes in Italian landscapes and cityscapes but loves to experiment with a wide range of subject matter including still lives and interiors.
All of her work is painted en plein air, meaning always on site and never in the studio in order to capture the sense of light and place.

She lived in Florence, Italy where she studied drawing for 6 years until recently moving to Rome in the fall of 2010. She has traveled extensively through the United States and Europe painting.

Kelly has studied and shown her work in both Italy and the United States and has completed a number of private commissions in the past year. She has placed in the top 3 for plein air paint outs in Italy over the past 4 years and has shown with the Florence
Academy of Art for 2 consecutive summers.

Kelly has most recently participated in is a shows of her Alaskan landscapes, a show for her alma mater Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio and won various en plein air competitions. Most recently one of her paintings was acquired by the St. Simon’s Landtrust in Georgia.
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