In 1970 as an Army Combat Engineer serving a tour of duty in Vietnam,
I began my fascination with capturing images that reflect my life
experiences and observations

After Vietnam, I looked inward and began what became a life-long
journey of self-discovery through the creative arts.

As a composer, I wrote symphonies to tell my stories. As a photographer
taking pictures was and is a means for me to hold visual moments in time so I might absorb and experience them a little longer.

While serving in Vietnam I volunteered to put a band together and play music for the troops up at the front lines. While on this tour I took my camera and captured moments of time from that experience.
In 2003, I once again put a band together and played for the troops as part of the USO. Called the Lt. Dan Band, we played throughout the US, in Korea, Singapore, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Germany, United Kingdom, Brussels, and others. As with my music tour in Vietnam, I took my camera to document my many USO adventures.

Together, photography and music now provide me a distinct voice for self-reflection, social commentary, and cultural engagement
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