Lamar Jones has spent his art career focusing on being an accurate visual chronicler and storyteller of African American life. His work is an amalgamation of figurative representation and abstraction. Central to his raison d'être is to show that African Americans are a people of strong values, a community that is hard working and dedicated to growth and improvement. He is currently exploring abstraction and is fascinated by the way this mode of painting is expanding his desire to better understand the complexities associated with the Black perspective. Jones's work incorporates texts, motifs and symbols and engages with issues including self-identity, family, love and other topics that are important to the everyday African American. While he understands that Black people are not a monolith, it has become his passion to set the record straight and give exposure to a group who have too long lived on the margins of society and in the shadows of art history. His intention is to communicate beauty and humanity in his artwork.
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