A Latina-American artist from St. Louis with an eye for narratives steeped in color, Lizzy Martinez has shown at many educational institutions, smaller museums and gallery spaces. Her work spans a number across media with a signature for beautiful, emotive translations of geometry into precarious environments of saturated magical realities with animal totems, figurines and symbols of a dramatized landscapes and structures. This influence of biology with the rhythms of mathematical repetition and structure for a nascent evolution of totems or pookas and both enhances as well as accompanies other symbols within the work reflecting a love of art history and the artist’s rich cultural heritage. The animals can be scene as building blocks, game pieces or serve as the viewer's voyeur proxy into unique secret worlds. The skull sometimes occurs and has a relationship to anatomy, mortality and the artist’s Hispanic culture. Although fantastic, all of these works were created from tableaus sometimes mounted up the wall to make something new and separate from traditional still-lifes.
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