Avilmar Maia was born in Brazil, in 1970. He lives and works in Belo Horizonte City, in Brazil.

Avilmar Maia’s work of art uses action figures as the main material. The artist gathers all sorts of miniatures to be disassembled and recombined. They are Surperman, Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse, characters from Toy Story, Barbie dolls, as well as other unnamed figures which, after going through an intense process of montage, merge into the cheap samples of the most famous characters of the cultural industry that can be found around the city. This process is named “Pulsa” by the artist, a word that designates the whole series of artwork with miniatures and takes us immediately to the pulse, in other words, to the vital impetus that these pieces acquire from the destruction and construction to which the artist put them through. Not just that, subsequently a second montage is created. This time the miniatures are placed in mythological scenes where they are put in an acrylic box and renamed with names of characters from Greek, Judeo-Christian and modern literature, this last one having its origin in the other two mentioned.

He studied sculpture in private studio (2005) and drawing in Guignard School 92006), in Belo Horizonte City, Brazil. He attended courses about Aesthetics of Art at Inimá de Paula Museum (2007). He studied History of Art and Contemporary Art at the Republic of Art (private studio) in Belo Horizonte City. (2008) and also courses about Theory of Art at Art school in the Federal University of State of Minas Gerais (uFMG) in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil.
He graduated in Medical school in 1994. Later on, he became a specialist in Psychiatry (1997) and in 2007 he got a master degree in psychoanalysis in the federal university of State of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

2019: Piccola Galleria, Casa Fiat de Cultura. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.

2019: Arte Londrina 7. Londrina, PR, Brasil.
2018 Salao Curitibano de Arte contemporânea. Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
2015: Consulate of Brazil, NY, EUA.
2014: Carroussel do Louvre, Paris.
2014: 4 West 43 Street. New York, EUA.
2014: Pier 94, New York, EUA.
2013: AVA GALLERIA. Helsinq, Finland.
2013: Inimá de Paula Museum, in Belo Horizonte City, in Brazil.

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