I am an artist and art historian. I study historical works of art and connect my own efforts to the great artists who have come down to us through the ages. The subject of my work is nature and its impact on our sensory experience. I study how artists have recorded nature throughout the history of art, and I consider these approaches in my own designs. When considering nature, I do not try to copy the natural world as I see it but, rather, as I feel it. Moved by the natural light and organic shapes I observe in the places I visit seeking inspiration, I attempt to capture the essence and spirit of the place as well as to formulate a graphic interpretation of what I see.

I create my work with beaten abaca for two reasons: (1) this material has not been widely used as an artistic media, thus I am constantly discovering its potential and am challenged by its capacities which allows me to be a pioneer in this process; and (2) the texture of this media provides an almost three- dimensional quality to the finished surface, thus mimicking nature in all its splendor.

Technique: My paintings and wall reliefs are created exclusively from natural materials. Each work is pigmented with 100% pure, non-fading, acid-free pigments and is carefully treated so that it may be exhibited without glass. My unique process and careful attention to craftsmanship provides a seductive, textured surface that lends itself to the natural subject matter of my work.
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