To create a work of art is to produce a lie, Pablo Picasso once said. But what an opportunity to explore one's own imagination and creative potential?

My art is a colourful and luscious world of "lies" that comprises the reason for my existence, a glimpse into a world, which moves and provokes me, images that trigger emotions and urge the need to produce and recreate in a new and imaginative way. I invite you to delve deeper than the surface, beyond the obvious and seek to unlock the mysteries of the images before you.

I've painted for as long as I can remember. My formal education solidified that love for the creative. Life is an amazing adventure: one day you are raising kids, the next you're in Africa or Brazilian Amazon or by the Neva in St. Petersburg in the middle of winter. Life has inspired me in my work: from amazing experiences come spectacular results. I experiment with form, light, subject, try out different styles, mediums - I move forward; my canvas is my thought process, and oil paints are the perfect medium to think out loud. The most recent adventure into painting with my fingers has reaped a new level of depth of expression, richness of colour and texture. Each painting has a life of its own, its own story, and my relationship with it.

My professional design education introduced me to the beauty of classical art forms and led me to be strongly influenced by the masters: the Fauvists, the colourists, like Matisse and Bonnard. My love for the Vienna Secession Movement began when my family lived in Vienna, Austria. How gloriously the gold glittered on those canvases. I'm regularly exploring their ideas and developing these concepts into my own expressions in the present, my current reality; using new materials, mixed media, and seeking new methods of expression. The ultimate goal is to provoke the viewer to delve deeper and contemplate beyond the surface.

Welcome to my world....

Marianna's following spans the world; many of her works are hanging in private collections in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Stockholm and Moscow.
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