I live and work in my in Crestone, Colorado. My studio is Studio Moresca. Following my return from studies in Hebrew etymology and medieval studies at Haifa University in 1973, I established a ceramic studio in Santa Monica, California, where I produced Judaic ceremonial art and Hebrew micrographies. In my life I have worn the hat of scholar, mystic, mother, gardener and artist. I have found all my life experiences inform my art. I have come to call my work "copperwork illuminations" as almost all incorporate cutwork that communicates through the lattice of reality from one side or the other. Processes include acid etching, fretwork, engraving, and simple repousse. On occasion, illuminations are embellished with precious jewel amulets. Fretwork rose windows call out for backing in mica (isinglass), stained glass, beveled glass mirror, industrial aluminum sheeting, acrylic mirrors, translucent washi paper and amber shellac saturated pellon (so far), as required. Colors are achieved through patina affects, polishing, heating, oxides, enamels, inks and enamels. African mahogany, Oregon madrone, oak, cherry and other hardwoods as well as cedar are among the backing and framing materials used. The underlying purpose of my work, personally and collectively, is to discover the internal wisdom that dialogues with each of us at every hour. The intention of that Voice, it seems to me, is to overwhelm conflict with compassion.
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