Meghan Walsh Artist Bio/ Statement

The subtle differences of perspective and human experience between one person and another based on all the connected moments of a life is a kind of untranslatable wisdom. While we may share a language with which to seemingly communicate, there is so much beyond those words. Within the wordless arts of dance, music and abstract visual arts, we do our best to evoke these experiences, hoping that others will gain a glimpse into what is and can only be our very own mosaic of emotional landscape beyond words – so that all of us can learn to look at life with other eyes and different filters.

Mosaic is a connective and typically additive art. Each tesserae placed within the andamento of a line is a call requiring a response. There is a structure and a plan, but the magic is in those moments of discovery, the subtle tilts and lilts in the relationship between on tessera and the next. These slight departures and explorations along a well-planned path are where it gets interesting.

In the flow of the process of making my work, I find a quiet, meditative sense of nurturing my soul, acknowledging those things within that will never be known by others, and embracing the beauty of those things we see as imperfection. I’ve learned more from trying to work with a blown about steel-belted tire scrap about dignity, grace, gravity and invisibility than from any reading or human-focused thought process. The visceral, tactile interaction with these materials is instructive, humbling and ultimately uplifting.

Meghan Walsh is licensed architect and a studio mosaic artist. She has taught architecture at Catholic University, Howard University and the University of Michigan and is currently on assignment as an Affliate Professor at Auburn University’s Rural Studio through USDA Rural Development. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Massachusetts, a Master of Architecture from University of Michigan and a Master of Real Estate Finance from Georgetown University. She has won awards for her mosaic work and her DC based public art – “Woven Identities” © 1999 at the Columbia Heights Metro Station. She has had numerous shows and exhibitions domestically and internationally.
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