When I was child I had enthusiasm to paint on my toy commode door`s or the papers even I had painted in my textbooks pages or on my exam papers since I went to the school. Because my hands wanted to drawing even teacher taught. I enjoyed to draw imagine portrait.
My imagination was Unlimited and they wanted to delineate without any border and it did not want to control with the rules. In the Iranian institute they taught real painting and I could not tolerate the perspective rule and some of rules like that, then I have known miniature ”contemporary and Iranian painting” and I have felt strong power for paint my dreams without rules. Then I had seen Mr. farshchian paintings, they inspired me shapes and power. I started to paint like Mr. Farshchian and I found Mr. basiji one of teachers who was teaching miniature in 2000. Those years in my country the fine art school was closed and I choose interest software computer course for school time. I learned painting with my experience without academy learning. Maybe it is my real talent. Miniature have very elaboration in everything , for example: when body of gazelle is painted with tiny line one by one like hair or face shadow is colored with smooth and tiny lines that they seems microscopic dot. Miniature has own special brush; sometimes they have just 5 smooth hairs. Actually this kind of painting needs more Patience. Each characters in my paintings has story and the colors are chosen according my feeling while coloration and sometimes it depends on their stories. I drew my passion particularly and I felt when I was painting I got in my maturity. I dipped in colors and moved my brush around the paper and solved water and colors and my heartbeat on the paper. I were enjoying my painting with watercolor while I wanted to have an solo exhibition, I understood my country did not allow to show women characters in my paintings with their hair and most of galleries did not want to have an traditional painting exhibition and they prefer to show modern Art.
I was surprised. I thought I was lonely. I decided even nobody like my art, but I love it and I am nothing without my art.
I called to Iran Cultural Heritage & Handicraft Organization and took them my resume and I got Fellow ship. But my activities with State Organization are limit. When I have exhibition, I enjoy to explain each of my paintings stories for people and they gave me very nice respond, strong energy and impetus.
Because of Iranian education law, I had to continue software computer for my BA. And I will continue my serenity Art I want endeavor accurately. I like photography too. Whereas I interested about people, portrait and life style and heritage I decided to take photos of their too. I have an special photography project about Iranian Heritage and Traditional ceremonies. When I am shooting, it seems for me like a bite of delicious Éclair.

13 years Traditional Iranian Art, Miniature (Negargary)
2010Art Skill certificate, Ministry of Work and skill
2009 BFA , Computer Engineer, Islamic Azad University IAU, Roodehen, Tehran, Iran
2005 BA, software computer, Islamic Azad University IAU,
Garmsar, Semnan, Iran
2002 Motahary ,school of professional and work, Tehran,Iran
2000 MR. Basiji Institute, Tehran, Iran

13 years Traditional Iranian Art, Miniature (Negargary)
8 years teaching experience
• Nation-Wide Exhibition of instructors Cultural and Artistic Works, Islamic Azad University
• Hejab and Art Annual , Islamic Azad University , roodhen, Iran
• Forth & Fifth of Quran &Art Annual for adult
Solo Exhibition
2011 Parastoo`s imagination, Usefabad Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2010 My Art, Sandoozy museum Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2008 Deep in my dreams, Khanevade Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Recent Exhibition

2012 Iranian Women Handicraft, Golestan palace, Tehran, Iran
2012 Iranian handicraft Artists, SadAbad palace, Tehran, Iran
2011 Iranian cultural & handicraft Art, Niavaran palace, Tehran, Iran

Artist of Iran Cultural Heritage & Handicraft Organization
Artist of art credit Organization
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