Patricia’s abstract oil paintings, blend rich color harmonies with essential elements of place. Her powerful, expressive brushstrokes emphasize the natural beauty of evocative terrains. Patricia occasionally allows the under-paintings (sketches) to peek out from her whimsical landscapes. Visual simplicity, rich textures and joyful color combinations are key elements in her art.

As a young girl growing up in Minnesota, her family’s respect for and appreciation of nature heavily influenced her work as an artist. That early love of nature has become a re-occurring theme in her playful landscapes.

Patricia has made her home in Europe and both coasts of the United States, as well as her beloved Midwest. While living in southern, France, she started painting with oils to capture the crystal bright sunlight and the rich verdant landscapes. Her supportive husband and three talented children have nurtured her artwork. Her artwork is displayed throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Patricia holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Minnesota and a Masters Degree from Chapman University in Orange County, California. Additionally, she has received art training at several schools and has been painting for over a decade.

To see more of Patricia’s artwork visit
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