My work is filtered through my road-weary sometimes jaded and warped mind with a unique “woman-elder” perspective. It’s pure feeling, mainly allowing chaos to self-organize into a form that might be understood visually – as I evolve and learn to understand that visual art expresses what we know without words but with experiences and sensory understanding.

As I approach a new piece of work. I typically have a process where colors are decided and I just let loose on the canvas with nothing in my logic mind and let my angst, joy, frustration, silliness, or a thousand other feelings dictate the movement of the work. It’s enjoyable to learn how people perceive the finished pieces and tell me what they feel I might have been thinking; sometimes they’re spot on, sometimes not so much; I love for people to get their own feelings from my work and interpret in their own ways.

May, 2021 – Grumpy’s NE – “Artificial World” Outdoor art exhibit

February, 2020 - Vine Arts Center – “Creation by Sound” Group exhibit (also coordinated/curated exhibit)

November, 2019 – Group Exhibit “Love vs. Fear" - Mill City Art Show, Inverted Arts Gallery

September, 2019 – Vine Arts Center 12th Annual Members Group Exhibit

February, 2019 – Vine Arts Center – 2 person exhibit with Susan Warner, “Locally Inspired”
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