Passionate about color, Peter Andrew is a Texas-based landscape painter, muralist, and art educator. Peter Andrew's commissioned murals are in the U.S. Army hospital at Fort Belvoir, Methodist West Houston hospital in Katy, Texas, the Palm Restaurant in Houston, Texas, and the Naranjo Museum of Natural History in Lufkin, Texas. Andrew has exhibited his artwork in over fifty one-person and two-hundred group shows. Andrew is a visiting outreach artist at colleges and universities across the U.S. for artists' materials manufacturers Liquitex Acrylics and Winsor & Newton since 1997. An artist member of the New York Society of Illustrators and a Fulbright Fellow (Mauritius 1991-1992), Andrew has exhibited at three Presidential Inaugurals by invitation of the Texas State Society. Peter Andrew is a professor of art at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas.
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