“I am an artist who “look ups” to find my way, marvel at the world and breathe. I began this soul and sky searching work as a form of grief therapy 5 years ago. I am now making art as a continued reflection of my examination of clouds by including experiments with pareidolia (recognizing shapes, figures, and objects), and moving beyond, over and under these ideas to disrupt the calm, challenge the norm, and provoke possibilities. My paintings serve as memories, hopes, provocative creative solutions, social justice mirrors, and hope.” Pamela G. Taylor is Professor Emeritus VCUarts at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. She earned her Ph.D. in Art Education from the Pennsylvania State University at which time she was named the USA Getty Doctoral Fellow. Her research includes data visualization, hypermediation theory, interactive computer technology, service-learning, curriculum, and assessment in art education. Taylor has over 100 publications and papers. Taylor art making and thinking practice include illustration and design of books, portraiture, participation in faculty exhibitions, varied commissions, creating and facilitating Empty Bowls projects, facilitating study abroad programs in Cuba, research in Doha, Qatar, and multiple international, national and state professional presentations and exhibitions. Her work has been featured in galleries, art centers, exhibitions, online, and has been collected in over 80 countries around the world.
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