prema ram jat is an outsider artist, an international freelance writer and a lecturer . His works are artistic manifestation of his actual self and shows the heart for nature and its beautiful creations including human especially woman.He uses water colour on paper He runs an academy called “Kishlaya Outsider Art Academy” in his home town to train the novice art students.
Sandeep Kumar Mishra's first art exhibition was in National Club Art gallery, Sujangarh, Rajasthan, India, January 1-January 3, 1994.

Recently his work has published in New England Review, Classical Poets,Permafrost Journal,Human Touch Journal,Blue Mountain Review, International Times, Literary Yard, Mud Season Review,Verbal art,Stone coast Review,Indiana voice Journal,Ripen the Page, Poetry Nook, Forever Journal, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Priestess and Hierophant, Red Fez, Literary Orphan,Chiron Review,Poetry Leaves etc.
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