Priscila De Carvalho (American, born in Brazil) is an artist working with painting, drawing, sculpture, site-specific and public art installations.

Ms. Priscila de Carvalho creates a work that combines various media including acrylic, vinyl, permanent marker, pencil, photo collage and three dimensional objects adhered to the wall. The work combines the influence of Pop Art, Spanish informalism, the monumentality of mural painting, and a reverence for architectural forms. With these varied sources, the artist overlays a complex variety of objects and shapes together, creating a frenetic, laden, urban landscape. Her work is focus on the economic, social and political issues of uncontrolled urbanization of the slums dwellers. Her works convey the complexity, chaos, and paradoxes of contemporary life that affect America, her native Brazil, and all of humanity in the age globalization. Revealing the sense of a huge population constantly on the move, her installations are marked by intense colors and the lines of ever-present winding streets and stairways.

Priscila De Carvalho is a recipient of the prestigious Pollock-Krasner Foundation Fellowship Award (2008-09), Artist in the Market Place at Bronx Museum (2009), Queens Council on the Arts Fund (QCAF 2009), Aljira Emerge 10 Fellowship Program (2008) and has been nominated for The Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program in New York, NY (2010). She has been an artist-in-residence at Lower East Side Prinshop keyholder Award (2011-12), Socrates Sculpture Park Fellowship and Residency (2011), Jamaica Center for the Arts and Learning Workspace Program (2009-10), and Sculpture Space Fellowship and Residency (2010).

Her work has been featured in individual and group exhibitions in the United States of America, Europe and South America including Socrates Sculpture Park (2011), The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA, 2010), The [S] Files/The Street Files, El Museo’s Sixth Bienal (2011), Bronx Museum Biennial (AIM 30 2011), The Jersey City Museum (solo, 2009), Deutsche Bank and various other galleries and museums.

Her work has been reviewed by the The New York Times (August 2009, June 2011 ), Art Aldia International (March 09), Art Nexus (August 2009) and many others. Ms. Carvalho lives and works New York.
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