My art is an inter-discipline approach, visual expression and their connection to performance constitute first and foremost a worldview.
I aspire to create performance, artworks to a multiplicity of artistic realms, believing that encountering a variety of skills enriches creative language. I realize my paintings with different sort of materials, oil to wax of candles. My main inspirations are Music, Opera, and Poetry.
My spectrum of performing arts (theatre, dance, music), visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, space design, lighting), and the screen (video art and photography), while encouraging me to venture into independent research and aspire to develop unique and innovative creative language.

Directing group study, young artists, and personal tutoring that nurtures each individual according to their own needs and artistic personality.

Artist Painter:

Salons Hoche, Paris - Christie's
Galerie Pierre Kleinmann, Paris
First train station Jerusalem – Foundation France Israel
Regards Feminine
Galerie Albert Benamou Paris 2012
Opera Tel-Aviv, Opening competition- French Embassy
Creatures of Love
AUJF, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris
Salon d'Automne Art Fair
Art Club Gallery, Paris Art fair Miromesnil, Paris Galerie Albert Benhamou, Paris Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris

Sabiana Paoli Gallery, Singapour Art Fair Brussel
Jaffa Museum, Jaffa
Les Preludes Feminins – Salons Foch Paris- Cinemateque Jerusalem/ The French Institute Romain Gary

Work Experience:

2012-2014: Training artists students at the Museum of Israel
2013 : Curating and directing Art Competition between France and Israel
Art music training to soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder-
2012: Art director competition and exhibition- Contemporary arts-
Opera Tel Aviv – Foundation Aujf Wizo France, The French Embassy
Austrian Embassy:
2013: Art directing performance, video art, and paintings exhibition (French and Israeli artist exchange)
First Station of Jerusalem – Foundation France Israel, Municipality of Jerusalem
2011: Video Art Les Etres Humains
2010: Jerusalem Cinemateque- French Institute
Video art and Paintings: La naissance de l' oeuvre d' Art
Rachel Yedid : Portrait – Raida Adon: Fasatine - Catherine Guilbot: Made In Art


-Winner of International nomination "Femmes du monde" by the ministry of foreign affairs
- Nominated Artist du Proche orient, for the Paris Art Fair Grand Palais - PROCHE


- Academic knowledge and experience:
- France Paris
1996-1998: Sorbonne Nouvelle French littérature Art History
1997-1998: L'école des Beaux-Arts Paris
Aliya- Israel
2000-2001: Hebrew studies Hebrew university
2002-2006: Visual Art Studies at Hazouti School
Visual Theater School

Personal Details
-Languages: English, French, Hebrew, Spanish
Musician: piano
Articles- Press (more details )
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