Renee Lammers is often asked, "Why do you paint on copper?" She always tells the story of how she was inspired to paint on copper. She was visiting a museum in Boston where she saw an oil painting done on copper metal. She noticed the painting looked like it had been painted recently although the painting was completed over 600 years ago. She saw no cracks on the painting's surface. She read a book called, "Copper as a Canvas" by the Phoenix Museum of art. She saw hundreds of Dutch painters paintings on copper. She discovered copper metal has special archival properties. The thermal coefficient of expansion of copper and the oil paint are almost identical. When temperatures fluctuate, the copper and the oil paint expand and contract at the same rate, limiting any cracks on the surface! Humidity does not get into the copper metal as it does wood or canvas. Renee Lammers decided to commit to painting with oils on copper.

Renee Lammers first started to paint at the age of 4. Her Mom, Catherine Bottelman, was a painter. From there Lammers studied in high school with a private teacher from Asia, who taught her how to paint Sumi, an Asian watercolor method. From Sumi, Lammers progressed to painting with watercolors. She traveled all around the world to study with professional watercolorists. For 25 years Lammers intensively studied watercolors until she attended Stetson University. There her art professor, Professor Bolding, wanted her to study oils. Lammers painted still life's for many years. Then Lammers started to paint landscapes plein air (outdoors). She was lucky to have Stapleton Kearns mentor her for a few months one Summer.

Lammers lives in Maine where she paints landscapes with oils on copper.
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