My name is Steven Liveoak..I guess you got that from the name on the website though.. I have been involved, one way or another, in photography for almost 50 years. In that time, I have experimented with different formats, different post processing (both dark room and digital), different themes and projects.

I started taking pictures when I was 7 or 8 years old..seems like a lifetime ago. My mother gave me a little Koday Instamatic for my birthday and 3 rolls of film. I was happily snapping pictures of my dog, my friends, my family .. anything I saw was fair game. I still remember the little flash cube that you had to turn after every shot and replace after 4 pictures. With only a part-time job mowing lawns, needless to say, my flash photography was somewhat limited.

I graduated from my Kodak ( I think I still have it somewhere) to a Polaroid and then made the leap to an Nikon SLR that I bought in a pawnshop for 80 dollars.. That camera and I made alot of memories and started down the road to 'Fine Art' together. Since it was a film camera, I learned to improve my composition and pick my shots more carefully. Every photographer knows the feeling of developing film and seeing that 'perfect shot' absolutely obliterated by poor composition and lighting. I learned early on that what you think you see through the viewfinder is not always what you are really seeing..

Anyway, since then ... I have moved up (some say down) to the digital age.. Nikon is my preffered weapon of choice. I shoot with a D4 and prime lenses and use a D3200 (for now) with short range zooms. I do some post processing but I try to keep that to a minimum unless I am working on something for the 'Weird Art' Gallery..

I have had several solo exhibits in France (Arles) and Ukraine..Currently I am part of 2 group exhibits in Stockholm and Ploiesti, Romania..
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