Shameera documents in a range of soft media, experimenting with dust, oil pigment, fabric, thread, flour, ink, words and other soft billowy products. Her portfolio includes markings derived from timed studies, drawings, paintings, textile design, installation, poetry, and performance.

During her most recent exhibition at Geely University in Beijing, Shameera combined media elements to design an installation with thread, poetry and a chemical powder to design an evocative space representing maps and boundaries. She supplemented the installation with a ritualistic performance pouring a chemical soft powdery substance throughout the space.

Her painting and installation work have been exhibited at the Swiss and American Embassies in Beijing; in Korea along with the Gwangju Biennale; United Nations, Geneva and galleries in the US. Several of her watercolor paintings are held in private collections internationally to include gallery collections in Beijing and Geneva. She has also completed an artist residency in Switzerland.

With education in science and art, Shameera derives from the two disciplines. Her work is largely inspired by scientific concepts that are either established theories or experimental hypotheses. When developing an installation she works with an established theory of failure mode effects and criticality analysis, to design a scientific model that charts the probability of points of failure against the severity of their consequences. The installation serves as a visual, tangible, analytic chart from which a viewer can get engaged and analyze a topic following the thread lines, points, knots to evaluate a problem, while asking questions.

Her creative process of 2 dimensional work is often experimental, without a clear objective in sight where she relies on inspiration from nature, scientific models, or a Jungian concepts of unconscious memory and archetypes stemming from a loss of roots and name during colonization of her native, ancestral home in India.

When working with other soft media such as dust, pigment or poetry, she memorializes nature as well as manufacturing and their interaction with each other. With pigment she creates paintings informed by unconscious and archetypal memory. And with ink she experiments with scientific concepts of special relativity as applied to her own analysis and theory on memory.

As a child growing up in India, Shameera found a predisposition for creativity where the women in her family lineage wove cotton to make and sell thread,and also sewed most of her clothing. Upon immigrating to the US she pursued arts in college with a BA in Graphic Design. In 1992, she switched from studying art to explore a career in the sciences, earning a BS in Neurobiology and then an MS in Industrial Engineering in 2000.

Wiest worked as a lab technician for 5 years during college, graduate assistant for 2.5 years and then a research analyst for about 9 years, before reconnecting with art when she and her husband began to live internationally. In 2009, they moved to Malaysia where she studied textile art of batik. Enjoying the creative expressions, she pursued art courses over the next few years and in 2012, she transitioned to pursuing art full time.

Poems can be shared upon request.

Based in Beijing, China
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