I grew up in Pennsylvania and Ohio loving art. In the 1990s after 4 years in Peace Corps Honduras, followed by 4 years in the US Virgin Islands, I found the medium- batik- and subject matter- architecture- that continue to inspire me. I love the unpredictable nature of batik. What will the dyes do? How will the wax crack? For me this works perfectly to show the beauty and wear of historic buildings that will hopefully outlive me. And when I create their images, I get to own a part of them. I have lived in western Colorado since the early 1990s, teaching high school art in Grand Junction. I traveled to the East and West Coasts for my architectural images, and to Europe. While working on my master's degree in 2002 I was finally able to study batik in Indonesia. But last year I found another media and subject matter - right here on my lavender and goji berry farm. I now do not only batiks, but also pastels of my lavender farm and those of other Colorado lavender farmers. I think the local farms have enough inspiring landscapes t0 keep me creating art for the next 100 years.
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