Thomas R. Fletcher was born and raised in Webster County, West Virginia. He graduated Webster County High School in the summer of 1977—a year early, because he couldn’t wait to explore the world. He served four years active duty in the US Navy; in 1982, he launched his career as a freelance photographer—and has been traveling the world since. Later, he went back to school, graduating from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 1994, the same year he returned to his mountain home.
Completely self-taught, Fletcher’s photography has appeared internationally. A brief list of publications that have featured his work would include: Americas Magazine, Backpacker, BBC Wildlife, Blue Ridge Country, Caribbean Travel & Life, Country Discoveries Magazine, Hallmark, Home & Away, Islands Magazine, Midwest Living, National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, Natural History, Outside, Petersen's Photographic, Philadelphia Magazine, Sierra Magazine, Town & Country Travel and Travel & Leisure to list a few. His photography has won many awards including West Virginia Tourism Media Awards Best Print Photography/Layout 2006, Best Print Photography 2003, First Place Best Newspaper Photography 2001, and First Place Best Magazine Photo 2000.
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