Annette Jimenez was born on November 26, 1978 in San Antonio, TX. She attended St. Cecilia's Catholic Elementary and Secondary school from 1984-1993. She graduated from Incarnate Word High School in 1997 and then went on to receive BA degrees in Mathematics and English from Our Lady of the Lake University. She started her career in 2001 as an insurance professional. In 2003 she became a mother and later moved to Houston, TX and was reconnected with her entrepreneurial spirit. She moved to Naperville, IL in 2010 to continue her professional career while spending time with her great uncle, Jose Guerrero, (most known for his Murals in Pilsen, IL.) His "street" art inspired her to start her own art business in 2013. Annette is now the President of AJCHRISTIANPI. Annette's paintings are a style of "urban meets Jesus meets Monet then Dali and sometimes the anonymous Sues." She describes her paintings as "An accidental mess, but can you see the angles?" Today she lives with her son in a cabin in the Southside of San Antonio. She is a full-time mother, action artist, poet and small business owner.
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