Brigid Kennedy

Brigid Kennedy skillfully captures fleeting moments of natural light and reflections on glass in compositions of exterior views and domestic interior spaces. As if fused within the same frame, her smart paintings offer complex inside-out reflections of our layered lives, literally and metaphorically. She paints on Yupo synthetic paper and Dura-Lar archival film to achieve the delicate translucency of the glass. Kennedy’s many themes draw upon memories, lived experiences, and point of view as her way of questioning, re-examining, forging
meaning, and ultimately engaging the viewer to look longer.

Currently residing in Connecticut, Kennedy has also lived and worked in South America and Europe. Since the late 1970s, she has exhibited her sculpture, drawings, and paintings nationally and internationally; has won numerous prestigious awards with works in museums and private collections. Kennedy received her MFA in Sculpture from Yale, a BFA from SUNY, a BA from University of Toronto.

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