Andrew Tirado

From 1989 until 1991, I was a studio assistant for the painter Chuck Close in New York, and from 1988 until 2013, I worked as Seminar Faculty for the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation’s Summer Seminar for high school students. Starting in 1998, I spent 14 years (the latter half part time) doing a variety of work from building wood strip canoes, fabricating custom props, displays, and sets, to building custom cabinetry. From 2005 – 2016, I taught woodworking, ran the Arts and Crafts spring semester adjuncts, and supervised the 3D Arts Facility at the Colorado College, a private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs. In 2014 I was visiting faculty and taught a sculpture class at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, Colorado, had a solo show, entitled Open, at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Centre. In 2014 – 2015, my sculptural piece, entitled Lacuna, received both the Jurors’ Choice award and the Peoples’ Choice award for the 16th annual Art on the Streets Exhibit in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and in 2015 I was a finalist for an international public art project in Los Angeles. In March of 2016, I resigned from his position at the college, volunteered for a month with Warka Water in Bomarzo, Italy, and began to create art full time.

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