julien moulin

Julien Moulin has been an art director for over 20 years. He started his career at a design firm in Paris after obtaining a degree in graphic design from Ecole Estienne. He later became a freelance designer, working remotely from Asia,
the United States, and Europe with international teams of designers and developers on web and print-based projects.

Julien has always taken interest in collage, a form of visual expression where fiction and reality collide in unlikely, and often surreal, ways. The fragments of images lose their original identity to reveal a new meaning.

Terra Incognita series:
Terra Incognita is a series of digital graphic collages (10100cm) mixing fragments of maps, topography, and soil data. The graphic compositions accelerate tectonics to reshape continents and create new territories. Borders and geopolitics disappear, challenging assumptions about space, time, human conflict, and migration, and inviting a more open and less divided world.

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