Guillermo Munro

My goal is to spread the word on endangered animals, I paint on cardboard mostly or anything that can hold paint from the street. I created "The Silent One", daughter of "La Catrina". She is given the mission to go around the world and take the last surviving animal of each species. I am doing Infographics on each animal too. I spread around the net.
The world is going through some mass extinctions and most people do not know this is occurring. The concept comes in three or four levels of information. First I paint on found objects mostly cardboard, so we start by recycling. Second: The theme itself is environmental, mostly focused on endangered animals. But at the end it all comes down to sustainability and making changes in our lifestyle. Third: The story is told by a beautiful young lady who is the daughter of the Mexican Catrina (lady death), She is a shy woman that has an infinite love for animals and she has the power of communicating with them because her dad is a "Nahual" a being that converts in to different animals. She receives the order to go and take the last endangered animals of each species before the poachers can get to them. But this act is very painfull to accomplish, it hurts her and she cries silently just the black streacks appear on her cheeks. Another level of information is that these paintings come with an infographic on each animal. All the recent stats and why it's endanmgered and how many have been killed through out the years. These graphics are sent through the internet and they go all over the place and are picked up by NGO's in pro of saving animals. I am also working on a e-book for it and hopefully I can have it done by April. I make stickers; t-shirts and anything I can to spread the word on endangered animals. I am starting to translate some of the graphics in Chinese to spread them in the mainland also through weibo. It's an ongoing project for the rest of my life so yes some of it might be exhibited but I am constantly creating new paintings and doing more graphics. I had 2 shows in California and one in London on the same topic. I have also numerous images done digitally in my computer to accomplish the book but also for show. they are beautiful images I could not be able to paint. Also I have this idea of animating them on giant screens. have an e-book or application on you Iphone that would give you all the data of the animal once you are in front of the painting. the infographic on each animal would appear on the phone. It's a very big project and one that I obviously cannot produce myself because of the technology I would need. but having the apps. makes me cut on paper usage and we do not have to print posters anymore. Thank you for your time Warm regards Guillermo "memuco" Munro

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