Keariene Muizz

As an artist in Residence in Paris, France, since 2022, and 2023 nominee for the Prix Fabuleuse Signature by the Fondation Signature Institute de France, the practice of Keariene Muizz reexamines the architecture of Paris.

Established between Paris and Los Angeles, Keariene Muizz is an artist that needs proof. Evaluating cultural objects through the lens of the psychoanalytic process. The vulnerable and exposed architectural landscape of Paris is the site for her work. She considers the sculptures as the secret citizens of Paris. The methods of her systematic investigation occurs when physically installed throughout the arrondissements where she experiments with the psychological interplay of stimulus and subconscious imagined affects of iconography. Her artistic practice is built on a foundation of research that was conducted at the Bilbliotheque Nationale de France, recognized by the American Psychoanalytic Association. She consumed all twenty four volumes collectively known as The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, published by the Hogarth Press. Keariene Muizz attended La Sorbonne and holds an Interdisciplinary BA from California State Long Beach in Art & Analysis. Post educational studies were also conducted informally in nude drawing at the Otis College of Art & Design under Professor Laddie John Dill.

Contact the artist at (949) 243-0591

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