MacLean Tiffany

MacLean Tiffany, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH 2008
Bronze Sculptures include commissions for educational institutions, non profit foundations and private individuals.
In addition, my Human Spirit Series includes 3 sculptures of individuals whose lives are marked by socially responsible actions and unfailing courage.
1) Continuum of a Dream - created to honor the King family and to celebrate the life of Coretta Scott King, most notably her tireless efforts on behalf of human rights and her dedication to social justice.
2) I Happened honors Friar Maximillian Kolbe of Poland (1894-1941).
A man whose actions of enduring courage and compassion during
WWII, were recognized by Pope John Paul II on October 10, 1982. On this date, Saint Maximilian Kolbe was canonized as a Martyr of Charity. His strong faith and belief that all men are brothers guided him to save thousands of Jews by hiding them in the friary; for that he was arrested and sent to Auschwitz. There he sacrificed his life for that of another who survived to tell the story of his sacrifice.
3) Inflammatory Statement inspired by Thich Quang Duc, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who burned himself to death on June 11, 1963 in support of Buddhist religious beliefs and in protest of the Diem Regime of South Vietnam.

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